Hachiman design & Illustration commisions

Welcome to my carrd website. Here I will show you some of my portofolio. The rules is simple, if you like my works and would like to want me make something for you just contact me in my social media. for price it will depends on difficulities, of course but it has range. so just ask me with direct messege!!

Payment method you can use:

Give me your interest!!!

Let me introduce my self. So my name is Hachiman(alias) I am one of 5 members from himawari project first gen by bunga little flower.

in himawari project i have make four design for avatar they used (Hachiman, Hana Evangeline, Hoshikawa Aru & Amaya Miyu). I also make some thumbnails, overlays for my self and animated loading screen.

you can check some of my portofolio here on the bottom:

And I am also a vtuber so you can always check my youtube video for gaming and also sometimes I make drawing session so I will show you the progress I make while drawing.

Actually I still have some of my works that I want to show you. But it will gonna be a long post. So if you feel curious about my draws you can always ask any kind of design, I will try to satisfying you. range from the lowest price is $ 1 or IDR 10.000 I accept payment by trakteer(IDR) or ko-fi(Paypal). Link is on the top of this site.

Here is the rules:

  • Just try to contact me first,don't shy or hesitate

  • With this open commision I want to help you with your illustration or design idea, but sure I have limit with my art. Try to push my limit is good, but maybe I will only accept 3 times revision.

  • The price for every commisions is different and full of cosideration.

  • The price I offered is for helping you, because for me if you consider to use my design or illustration it means that you like my works.

  • I have rules that only after we have deal that I will tell.

  • carrd ini di buat dengan bahasa Inggris, tujuan agar lebih universal. buat kalian yang merasa tidak mengerti atau kurang jelas bisa langsung melalui pesan di social media atau email lebih prefered ke dm twitter. (This carrd made by using English, because I want to make this more universal. But if you do not familliar or not really understand you can always directly contact me on my social media.)

  • copyright for all my works will be discuss on our conversation.

Thank you and see you on chat..!!

© Hachiman CH. All rights reserved.

( Made with Carrd )